With the site of the buds on the trees it means its time again for First Communions and Graduations. A lovely centerpiece on your First Communion table would be your child's portrait. Book now and have your image displayed for your get together, and have me take care of the details.....I offer thank you notes, gift prints, bookmarks, and more.
For the Graduate in your life, why not order custom invitations, announcments and thank you notes using your son or daughter's senior portraits? See here for samples. A great way to shorten that "To Do" list!
First Communion & Graduation Time
Posted by
Cathleen Broderick Photography
Labels: Cathleen Broderick Photography First Communion Portraits
Contest Winners
YAY!! I have TWO winners for my New Website Contest. Due to a technical glitch, the website went live before the newsletter announcing it's impending arrival, actually went out. But Claudia Cassamajor of Bridewater has such keen eyes, she emailed me early this am to compliment me. Imagine my surprise! But, in the true spirit of the contest I decided to award another winner after the newsletter hit your In Boxes. Kim Newbury, also of Bridgewater was lightning fast in replying with kind words as well.
"Love the website!! It definitely will not help the addiction I have about
you taking our pictures. Colin saw me looking at it and asked if I was
having you do more pictures- I told him it was time:-)!! The Fox family
photos are beautiful!! Your photos just keep getting better! I will be in
touch- hopefully soon!"
Both of these women have been clients of mine over the past several years, and I appreciate their trust in me to photograph their families. Both will win a free session for themelves and a session to gift to a friend. Thanks to all who sent kind words and thoughts, and as always, for supporting Cathleen Broderick Photography. I appreciate so much when you return again, and for all your referrals to your friends and family.
New Web Site!
Its almost here, the new site will go live sometime this coming week. As I mentioned in my newsletter, the first person to email me with what they like best about the new site will win a free session for themselves, and get this...one to gift to a friend!! So keep your eyes peeled......
(Children, Senior or family (up to 5 people) regular session only, does not apply to extended family groups. Value of up to $150, depending on session time and location, not redeemable for cash.)
Early Spring Session
My friend B sure is patient with his twin sisters. I was lucky to photograph these children when the girls were just newborns, now look at how they've grown! We has fun running around the Sheep Pasture in Easton.