Bridgewater Senior Portrait Photographer

The Better Bean Coffee Company in Bridgewater Center will be displaying some of my Senior Portrait work in the month of June. Stop in next Thursday 6/4 evening from 6-8 for the Opening Reception. Get yourself a great cup of coffee, tea or a snack and see some of the fantastic graduating BR seniors I had the pleasure to photograph this year. Juniors-enter to win your own custom Senior Portrait Session! (Believe it or not, NOW is the time to book senior portraits for the class of 2010, as the summer goes by quickly and the best time slots and special offers go fast!) "Bring a Friend" specials available in July and August only!

Bridgewater Maternity Photographer

This couple was really cool to work with, and very photogenic. I cant believe she is carrying twins in there! Good Luck with delivery and cant wait to meet the little ones.

Relaxing at the Park

I have been very lax in my blogging lately. Parents of school age children can probably relate-it seems I am at the ball field for a game or practice everyday! Not a bad place to be in this great weather we have had the past week, but it has me behind in my blog obligations!

Anyway, had a great session with this fun local family last weekend. Very relaxed and easy to work with-you can tell they have lots of fun together. 

So excited to welcome this beautiful baby into Bridgewater! Here she is just minutes shy of her one week birthday. Such a fleeting time-happy I was able to capture it, thanks Mom!